Leave a Legacy
Consider naming Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc. as a beneficiary of your will or living trust. Charitable gifts made by bequest are not taxed as part of your estate.

Types of bequests include:
A fixed amount of money or specific stocks or other investments.
A percentage of your estate.
A contingent bequest, naming Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc., as the recipient should another beneficiary not survive you.
A residual bequest, leaving a portion or the entire remainder of your estate to Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc. after all else has been settled.
We suggest consulting your estate planning attorney about incorporating language similar to the following:
I hereby give and bequeath to Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc, a nonprofit organization located at 498 Carmel Drive, Fort Walton Beach FL 32547, Tax I.D. #59-3184216, the sum of $___ [or, for a residual bequest, ‘___% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal’] to be used for its general purposes.
Life Insurance Gifts
Options to donate life insurance:
You may contribute the face value of the policy.
You can name Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc, the owner and/or beneficiary of the policy.
You can name Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc, a successor beneficiary in case of the death of the primary beneficiary(ies) named in the policy.
Each option has different tax benefits. Please consult your accountant or attorney to learn more.
TOD or POD Accounts
Designating a bank or investment account Paid on Death or Transfer on Death means the assets will pass to Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc, immediately upon your passing, avoiding the lengthy and costly probate process.
Paid on Death (POD)
accounts can be used to instruct a bank to pay all or a portion of what remains in a checking, savings, money-market or CD account.
Transfer on Death (TOD)
accounts can be used to instruct a brokerage, mutual fund or other investment firm to transfer what remains in a securities account to Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc.
Planned Giving FAQs
What does my lawyer need to know?
Our legal name is Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization located at 498 Carmel Drive, Fort Walton Beach FL 32547 and our federal tax identification number is 59-3184216.
What is the best way to reference donations in my will?
We encourage donors to consider giving their support without restrictions. Then SOCKS can use the funds to help all pets in the greatest need.
What kinds of assets may be given to Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc. under my will?
SOCKS is able to accept gifts of cash or appreciated securities as well as contributions of life insurance, retirement or pension plan assets. We are also able to accept gifts of real estate, tangible personal property and automobiles.
We highly recommend seeking legal consultation prior to drafting your planned-giving documents. Please feel free to contact us for additional information or to chat more about the different options for including SOCKS in your will or estate plan. If you include SOCKS in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID:
Save Our Cats and Kittens, Inc., EIN 59-3184216.
Other Spay & Neuter Transport Programs:
Animal Protection League (APL)
Okaloosa County Only, Florida
Milton, Florida
Wiregrass Spay and Neuter Clinic
Dothan, Alabama
Bay County area, Florida
Panhandle Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Hurricane Preparedness for Your Pet

Helpful Links:
Municipal ordinances are the governing laws, rules, and regulations enacted by cities and other local government entities. Ordinances cover a wide range of subjects and, where the violation results in the issuance of a Notice to Appear or is punishable by jail, may require an appearance in criminal court.
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No-kill is a collaboration between shelters and their community. The first step is for individuals to understand the progress being made in their own community and to know how they can help. And that is the purpose of the pet lifesaving dashboard.